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Consultez nos derniers messages ci-dessous:

Hopital Pierre Le Gardeur Adopts Stimpod

Hopital Pierre Le Gardeur, a hospital located in the east end of Montreal has adopted the use of the Stimpod 450 for monitoring curare in the operating theater. The STIMPOD NMS450 Nerve Stimulator includes a Tri-axial accelerometer which provides real time...

Dr. Steeve Jolin, Anesthesiologist Evaluating Physioflow

Dr. Steeve Jolin, Anesthesiologist Evaluating Physioflow

Hemodynamic monitoring in the OR is gaining acceptance as a necessity to optimize fluids for improved recoveries and diminished length of stay in perioperative care . Using Physioflow, Guided Fluid Therapy GFT (Goal Directed Fluid Therapy) during surgery...